untitled (folded studio), 2015 & untitled (gate), 2015; perimeter of the artist's studio traced in steel, mounted on hinges/replica of a yard gate, cast in dust and soft flexible foam, metal armature
untitled (gate), 2015; replica of a yard gate, cast in dust and soft flexible foam, metal armature
untitled (gate), 2015; replica of a yard gate, cast in dust and soft flexible foam, metal armature
untitled (folding chairs diptych), 2015; copper, steel, brass, aluminium
untitled (folding chairs), 2015; steel, brass, aluminium
untitled (folding chairs), 2015; copper, steel, aluminium
untitled (ikea stools diptych), 2015; copper dust, brass dust, steel dust, cast plaster,
untitled (ikea stools), 2015; copper, brass, steel, aluminium dusts cast in plaster
untitled (ikea stools), 2015; cast plaster with copper and brass dusts
untitled (stack of chairs), 2015; cast jesmonite
untitled (stack of chairs), 2015; cast jesmonite
untitled (crowd control barriers), 2015; heat bent plastic, aluminium